You’re Invited
May 17, 2019
Fellowship Hall of Tabernacle Baptist Church
911 Craven Street Beaufort SC
$1,000 – 10,000
$1,000, 750.00, 500.00
Each contributor will receive a copy of the Tubman Command
Names of all contributors will be listed in the Dedication book when the monument is completed
All contributors of $1,000 and above names will appear on or at the monument. Will receive VIP seating at the dedication of the Monument
Tune in as Rev. Kenneth Hodges interviews Dr. Elizabeth Cobbs about her book, The Tubman Command. The Tubman Command tells the story of Harriet Tubman at the moment of her greatest gamble. Recruited as a spy for the Union army, Tubman- code name "Moses"- plots a spectacular plantation raid behind enemy lines, one so large and so daring it will turn the tide of the Civil War.